Daath: The Ryan’s Rock Show Interview

by | Nov 1, 2010

Out of the hundreds of interviews that I’ve done for Ryan’s Rock Show, only a select few have truly been fascinating. While some bands may see a Ryan’s Rock Show interview as a cheap exchange of public relations, for me these interviews give first-hand insight into the minds of creative people that are relevant, or maybe even just somewhat relevant, to the music community. Because beneath the surface of inflated personalities portrayed by media, it’s important to remember that music is still an art. And these interviews attempt to filter out bullshitters.

My most recent interview of fascination: Eyal Levi of Daath, the complete opposite of a B.S.-er. Levi recently hung out at the RRS headquarters for a couple beers, and to shed some light on his musical philosophy. I asked him about his views on music and modern recording technology.

“It just depends how you use it. It’s like how water can drown you or give you life, it’s just a tool. For me, the medium is when technology is used to fake something that should have been done manually, then I don’t like it. If it’s used to put a project together, to mix something, to record something, some basic editing — use it as a tool.”

The conversation continues:

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