Deftones Bassist Chi Cheng Dead

by | Apr 14, 2013

It has been learned tonight that Deftones bassist Chi Cheng has died.

Cheng had been in a semi-conscious state for more than four years, since he was involved in a car accident in November 2008. He was 42.

His mother released the following statement:

“Our dearest family,

This is the hardest thing to write to you. Your love and heart and devotion to Chi was unconditional and amazing. I know that you will always remember him as a giant of a man on stage with a heart for every one of you. He was taken to the emegency room and at 3 a.m. today his heart just suddenly stopped. He left this world with me singing songs he liked in his ear. He fought the good fight. You stood by him sending love daily. He knew that he was very loved and never alone. I will write more later.

I will be going through the oneloveforchi and any other information may not be reliable. If you have any stories or messages to share please send them to the Onelove site.

Please hold Mae and Ming and the siblings, and especially Chi’s son, Gabriel, in your prayers. It is so hard to let go.

With great love and much respect, Mom J (and Chi).”

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