Fallujah Issues Statement on Van Crash, Forced to Cancel Remaining Tour Dates

by | Feb 28, 2012

As reported earlier today, Fallujah were involved in a van accident Monday night which left their van and trailer totaled — the band have been forced to drop off their current tour with Hate Eternal and Goatwhore.

The group issued the following statement: “Last night on I-80 in Wyoming we got caught in a storm and hit a patch of black ice. Even though the van was only traveling at 30 miles an hour it didn’t stop us from spinning out. Everyone is okay luckily but our van and trailer are completely destroyed. This will ultimately force us to drop the remaining dates with Hate Eternal and Goatwhore. Right now our current issue is getting whats left back home, somehow salvaging some money from the wrecked van and trailer whether for parts or metal, and then finally getting on track with a new van/trailer. Though we are very hesitant to ask for any kind of hand out or sympathy, we are going to be in the hole majorly after this so if you are willing to pick up some merch or donate some money it would be much appreciated.”

A Paypal account for donations is located here, while merch can be found here

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