SIRENS AND SAILORS’ Van Broken Into in Europe — EVERYTHING Stolen

by | Aug 28, 2014

This is really, really shitty. Sirens and Sailors had their van broken into while on tour in Europe and had literally everything stolen…even their toiletries. “[W]e are overseas in completely foreign territory feeling more helpless than ever,” the band said. 

Every single dollar we brought with us, every single penny that we have earned over the past month of touring overseas has been stolen. Licenses, credit cards, essential medical supplies, laptops, electronic equipment, even down to our toiletries, GONE. In a matter of minutes, our livelihood has been taken from us. Our dream come true has become the exact opposite.

The band is currently accepting PayPal donations to get back on their feet. Those interested can send those to

Sirens and Sailors recently got added to a huge fall tour this October supporting Beartooth alongside Vanna. We wish them the best and hope everything gets squared away.

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