Torche Guitarist Treated for Rabies After Bat Urinates in Eye; ‘Feel Like I’m Getting Treated For a Unicorn Bite’

by | Apr 4, 2012

Torche guitarist Andrew Elstner is being treated for rabies after a bat urinated in his eye last week, reports Pitchfork.

Elstner was in St. Louis at a rustic house built in 1824 where he discovered a trapped bat in one of the rooms. When he turned the lights on the bat began zooming around.

He tells Pitchfork, “As it passed by my head a fourth time at light speed, it managed to piss on my right eye.”

With more treatments to come, Elstner added, “Feel like I’m getting treated for a unicorn bite.”

Rabies cannot be contracted from bat urine.

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