Protest The Hero will be hitting the road for a Canadian tour in December. They’ll be joined by A Wilhelm Scream, Auras, and Cyclamen.

Protest The Hero will be hitting the road for a Canadian tour in December. They’ll be joined by A Wilhelm Scream, Auras, and Cyclamen.
Between The Buried And Me are touring Europe this summer with Protest The Hero.
So you know how Protest The Hero launched a new music subscription platform where they’ll be releasing a new song every month for the next six months? Today they released their second track.
You gotta give Protest The Hero lots of props for taking their career by the balls and doing whatever the hell they want. Remember how the band crowdfunded $340,000 for their album Volition and it blew everyone’s minds? Wait til you see what they’re doing now.
But don’t get too excited just yet. Indeed, Protest The Hero will be reuniting with their original lineup for a 10-year anniversary tour of their 2005 debut album Kezia, but so far there aren’t any US dates.