Boris/Merzbow – Gensho

by | Feb 9, 2016

Release Date: Mar 18th
Boris/Merzbow – Gensho

Track Listing:

Disc 1
01. Farewell (Boris)
02. Huge (Boris)
03. Resonance (Boris)
04. Rainbow (Boris)
05. Sometimes (Boris)
06. Heavy Rain (Boris)
07. Akuma No Uta (Boris)
08. Akirame Flower (Boris)
09. Vomitself (Boris)
Disc 2
01. Planet of the Cows (Merzbow)
02. Goloka Pt. 1 (Merzbow)
03. Goloka Pt. 2 (Merzbow)
04. Prelude to a Broken Arm (Merzbow)

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