Coalesce Issue Update on New Material, Reissues

by | Jan 14, 2011

Coalesce have checked in with an update on new material and upcoming reissues. The band comments:

“Hey, quick update on what’s going in over here in the coalesce circle…

1. Our new years show with Mac lethal and other Kc acts was a total blast. We feel recharged and ready to start stabbing our guitars, drums, and so on and so forth at something new this year. thanks KC, it was real fun. Loved watching all your drunk fights late at night too. Especially the guy who got pummeled by 3 fat chicks. word. 

2. Looks like the BBC sessions got sidetracked by lots of paperwork and legal garbage which is too bad, because that was us at one of our finest moments. But, the reprint of Give Them Rope on Cd and vinyl is moving forward under the Relapse banner and Ingram is hard at work getting all the pieces together. The original masters from 1996 were thought lost forever until he found them in a box with some Star Wars toys. So, lucky you, we’re going to do our best to Un-George-lucas-ify Give them rope by having the cd come with 2 discs, the 1996 version on disc 1, and the 2002 version on disc 2, and absolutely NO FUCKING SPECIAL FEATURES. Just both versions of the record so you can play the one that gives you the most street cred with your friends, and toss the other. We promise not to make a big hooplah about it, we just want that record to stay in print so that it doesn’t get lost on a real format forever. ie: your blog is not a real format asshole, neither is a media fire link (that’s broken too by the way. get it fixed).

So in short, there’s gas in the tank, and we are feeling inspired. Deal with it.”

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