Periphery is at work on two new albums, one if which is a concept record dubbed Juggernaut.
“You are going to know it is Periphery when you hear it but we are working on a wider range of sounds for this record,” guitarist Jake Bowen told “We’re starting to get more proficient at our recording techniques and we’re better musicians than we were last year so it will showcase more of a mature sound for sure.”
Bowen added that “we have so much material and we feel like if we don’t get all of this material which we are sitting on out, then eventually we are not going to care for it anymore. We’re going to get tired of it and we don’t want that, we want to put it out and have it immortalised on a record then we can move on. We’re such prolific writers but it’s almost as curse as much as it is a blessing because we just constantly have so much material that we don’t know what we will do with it all.”