For All I Am, Chasing Safety, Kingdom of Giants, InDirections (9/27-10/11), Invent, Animate (10/12-10/27), and Assassins are going on tour together this fall for the Fuel The Passion Tour.

For All I Am, Chasing Safety, Kingdom of Giants, InDirections (9/27-10/11), Invent, Animate (10/12-10/27), and Assassins are going on tour together this fall for the Fuel The Passion Tour.
Carnifex, Betraying The Martyrs, I Declare War, Here Comes The Kraken, and Assassins are going on tour in February/March for the Die Without Hope Tour.
Like Moths to Flames, The Plot in You, Ice Nine Kills, Horizons, and Assassins will team up for a run in December. Dates follow:
Ice Nine Kills, Wolves at the Gate, and Assassins will team up for the “Milk Was A Bad Choice Tour.” Dates follow: