
Black Market Activities Signs Distribution/Artist Development Deal with Good Fight

Black Market Activities, the label run by The Red Chord frontman Guy Kozowyk, has announced a distribution and artist development deal with Good Fight Entertainment.

“This deal marks an exciting new chapter for BMA,” Kozowyk comments. “When we were out searching for a new distro deal, working with Good Fight just felt right for everybody involved. I have known those guys through the scene for years and I have so much respect and admiration for everything they have done with every avenue of their companies. They have been extremely open and responsive to several new progressive ideas we have brought to the table, which is very important since the music industry is changing so rapidly. Among those ideas is that of functioning on a more limited model — the idea that, in this age of digital music, there’s still a place for CDs and vinyl, it’s just on a more limited, ‘collector’s item’ basis.”