
Geoff Rickly’s Label COLLECT RECORDS Cuts Ties with CEO Martin Shkreli

You may have seen the name Martin Shkreli all around the internet today. He’s the CEO for Turing Pharmaceuticals, a company that recently acquired the rights to the drug Daraprim, which is used to treat AIDS and cancer patients. Right now he’s the most hated man in America.


Listen to NO DEVOTION’s New Track “Addition”

Lots of new stuff coming out this fall. And one of those records to keep a look out for is the debut full length from No Devotion, the band that features former Thursday frontman Geoff Rickley (United Nations) with ex-members of Lostprophets. 


NO DEVOTION’s Debut Album “Permanence” is Due in September

No Devotion, the band that features former Thursday frontman Geoff Rickley (United Nations) with ex-members of Lostprophets, will be releasing their debut album this fall.