Senses Fail will be hitting the road for a tour in early 2018.
Senses Fail announce 2018 tour dates

Senses Fail will be hitting the road for a tour in early 2018.
Senses Fail are celebrating their 15th anniversary as a band with a North American headlining tour next spring. They’ll be bringing along Counterparts, Movements, and Like Pacific, and will perform their 2006 album Still Searching in its entirety.
Yeah buddy! No really though, Senses Fail frontman Buddy Nielsen and members of Finch have formed a new band… they’re called Speak The Truth… Even If Your Voice Shakes. We’ll go by Speak The Truth for short.
Silverstein and Senses Fail are co-headlining a tour this fall with Hundredth and Capsize as support.
Counterparts, Senses Fail, and Capsize are going on a UK/European tour this fall.