Lewd Acts Drop Off Converge ‘Axe To Fall’ Tour

by | May 8, 2010

Lewd Acts have dropped off the remaining dates of Converge’s “Axe To Fall” Tour. The band comments:

“It is with the HEAVIEST of hearts that we must announce our departure from the Axe to Fall tour. We cannot begin to express our appreciation and thanks to Converge, Touche Amore, Thursday, Black Breath, Pettibone, M0nster, Shaun and everyone else who was with us. Bands are fragile, volitile things and not everyone wants to do a band to this exent. We will be going home to regroup and refocus. We will keep everyone updated in the near furture. We still love this music and at this point, that’s all we know. Once again, THANK YOU to everyone who came to a show, bought a shirt or cd, sang along, talked to us, shared a house, or helped us in any way.”